Market Leader in SECS/GEM, Test Automation, AI Vision and Smart Factory

Smart FactorySupportTechnical Q&A


yuqiang ·

2023-05-04 Created


I have a few questions that I would like to know as a basis for purchasing XCOM PRO;

1. I would like to know if the XCOM SECS Driver is a previous product of your company, as I was unable to find the relevant information according to the website WWW.ITINNOVATION.CO.KR on the driver CD;

2. I would like to know the relationship between ITInnovation and XCOM. The previous encryption KEY was not USB.
This is Linkgenesis.

1. Innovation is the former name of our company, and the current name is Linkgenesis.
Therefore, the homepage is also changed to , not  WWW.ITINNOVATION.CO.KR

2. .The XCom is a product sold by our company.
And currently, we only provide keys in USB form, and cannot be used with previously purchased products.

Thank you