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Smart FactorySupportFAQ

Connection time

When I run the simulator and try to test the communication, the connection time feels different every time.
It depends on the T5 Connection Separate Timeout and which application you started first.
T5 Connection Separate Timeout
If the first connection attempt fails, you can retry after this amount of time.

[Run in any order Did you let? ]
If you run the simulator set to Active Mode first and run the application set to Passive Mode later,
A Connection Simulator will fail before the application in Passive Mode
Actvie Mode attempts to connect. Will occur.
The next Connection attempt will wait for the T5 Timeout setting and retry the Connection. At this time, if the T5 Timeout parameter is set to 10 seconds, the next connection will be attempted after 10 seconds.

However, if you run the application set to Passive Mode first and run the simulator set to Active Mode later,
Passive Mode will be directly connected to the first connection attempt because the application is already in the Socket Listening state.